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Michigan Basin core samples, Michigan Geological Repository for Research and Education (photo credit: A. Stevens Goddard)

Investigating mechanisms for post-depositional heating in sedimentary basins: A case study in the Michigan Basin, USA

Project PI/Team: Andrea Stevens Goddard (Indiana University)

  • Funding: American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund UNI Grant #60299-UNI8
  • Zircon (U-Th)/He data collected at BAHTL from cores samples in the Michigan Basin supports research to reconstruct the time-temperature history at multiple stratigraphic levels and geographic locations that can be used to reconstruct a model of the 4D thermal evolution of the Michigan Basin and identify the mechanism responsible for ancient heating event(s).
  • Learn more here






      Location of core 344S-U0110 in Melville Bugt, offshore Greenland (Christ et al., 2020)

      Long-term erosional history of northwestern Greenland

      Project PI/Team: Andrew Christ, Paul Bierman, Paul Knutz, Paul Knutz, Lee Corbett, Julie Fosdick, Elizabeth Thomas, Owen Cowling, Alan Hidy, and Marc Caffee

                      • Detrital apatite (U‐Th‐Sm)/He ages collected from early Pleistocene marine diamict core 344S-U0110 all predate glaciation by >150 million years, suggesting the northwestern Greenland Ice Sheet had, by 1.9 Ma, not yet incised fjords of sufficient depth to excavate grains with young apatite He ages.
                      • Learn more here